Location: Mountain House High School Gymnasium located at 1090 S. Central Parkway, Mountain House, CA 95391.
Doors open at: 10:00a.m
Seminar Time: 11a.m – 2p.m
Youth and Adults: $190.00
Check-In: All participants must present a valid identification card at the check-in table.
White Uniforms: All participants MUST wear a CLEAN and a SOLID WHITE Jiu-Jitsu Uniform (GI). NO OTHER COLORS OF ANY KIND WILL BE ALLOWED. It is important for all of our Black Belts to honor the tradition “Dress Whites” set forth by Grand Master Carlos Gracie. Just as everyone has dress clothes for special occasions, every Black Belt should have a white uniform for ceremonies and/or special events.
Pictures, autographs, Q&A will be hosted once the seminar is over.
Complementary T-Shirt: One complementary seminar t-shirt for all participants.